What is ? writing assistant let you generate an SEO optimized blog post with a couple of clicks. The long form assistant generates a paragraph with just one click, which makes your workflow amazingly fast.’s assistant also improves the readability of your blog with one click according to hemmingway style.’s writing assistant let you also optimize, improve, rewrite and summarize blog posts all in one place.
FE – Scale Unlimited Annual – $340/y
Long form assistant: Jarvis-like longform assistant with great inline tools…
Wordtune like Rewrite, Expand, Shorten, Formal, Creative, Casual
“Write with AI” with 3000 characters context (look back).
Access to premium blogpost generator. Generating a whole SEO blogpost with few clicks
Have access to SERPFacts
Create as much SEO documents as possible within the credits you have…
Each SEO document, SERP extraction, consumes 20 credits
Content rewriter: Allows you to rewrite up to 40000 characters with one click with as high…
Uniqueness as 70-100%
Improve readability: Improve the readability of your content up to 3000 characters…
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